oOften, Elevator Speeches are Delivered One-On-One.
The Goals are: Clarity and DIS-Qualification.
You’ve arrived at an event where the suggestion was to: “Come early and network.”
Everyone has name tags. A person approaches you, extends their hand to shake yours, and says, “Hi, I’m John. Nice to meet you. I’m work at Home Depot. I’m a manager there. What do you do?”
Here’s how it sounds.O
Download Your EXPRESS Elevator Speech Template HERE.
Fred Miller, “NO SWEAT Public Speaking!” Let’s talk about this EXPRESS Elevator Speech.
Just like the regular elevator speech, clarity is not an option. We want everyone to know exactly what we do so they can say, “Hey, we need to talk.” or “I don’t need you now, but I’d be very comfortable talking you in the future about this.” And just as important, if somebody says, “Hey, I’m looking for that product or service,” they would be very comfortable referring you.
The EXPRESS Elevator Speech has the added goal of wanting to Dis-qualify. You don’t want to spend major time on minor possibilities.
Let’s look at this example. You’ve arrived early at the event where the suggestion was to, “Come early and network.” Everyone has name tags. A person approaches you, extends their hand to shake yours, and says, “I’m John. Nice to meet you. I work at Home Depot. I’m a manager there. What do you do?”
Here’s how it goes: “John, nice to meet you, also. I’m going answer your question by asking you one. “Have you ever been to an event and you’re sitting, watching, and listening to a speaker and you’re thinking yourself, ‘Boy, This guy is good. I mean, he is really good. He’s articulate, authentic, very entertaining, and I’m getting a lot out of this presentation. Man, I wish I could do that!”
“I’m the guy they hire to develop, practice, and deliver presentations like that.”
At that point, I hope John says, “We got to talk!”
Now is not the time to talk. I would say, “Let’s exchange cards and we’ll have a conversation later.”
If he doesn’t say anything, I want to go on and I want to Dis-qualify. I’ll say, “Everyone who hires me knows, ‘Speaking Opportunities are Business, Career, and Leadership Opportunities!’
If he still doesn’t say anything, I need to go for one more question and I say, “John, you probably don’t know anyone who wants to improve their Networking, Public Speaking, and Presentation Skills, do you?”
Well, that’s how it sounds. Get this template. Practice, practice, practice and go out and network and get some great prospects with this EXPRESS Elevator Speech!
Till next time, this is Fred Miller – “NO SWEAT Public Speaking!”
About the Author Fred E. Miller is a speaker, a coach, and the author of the book, “NO SWEAT Public Speaking!” and “NO SWEAT Elevator Speech!”
Businesses, Individuals, and Organizations hire him because they want to improve their Networking, Public Speaking, and Presentation Skills.
They do this because they know: Speaking Opportunities are Business, Career, and Leadership Opportunities.
They also know:
We perceive really great speakers to be Experts, and we like to work with Experts.
He shows them how to: Develop, Practice, and Deliver ‘Knock Your Socks Off Presentations!’ with – NO SWEAT!
Keynote Speaker
Workshop Facilitator
Breakout Sessions
Personal and Group Public Speaking and Presentation Coaching
Lessening The Fear of Public Speaking with – NO SWEAT!
Crafting Your Elevator Speech, Floor by Floor with – NO SWEAT!
Speaking Opportunities are Business, Career, and Leadership Opportunities.
We are All Self-Employed!
Fred E. Miller Fred@NoSweatPublicSpeaking.com nosweatpublicspeaking.com https://www.amazon.com/author/fredemiller http://www.slideshare.net/fredmiller https://www.udemy.com/no-sweat-elevator-speech/#/
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