A For Anyone Wanting to Improve Their Public Speaking and Presentation Skills these are Must Reads!
I am a Speaker, a Coach, and an Author. I’m also a Reader!
By reading great books on Public Speaking and Presentation Skills, I’ve immensely increased my knowledge of my craft, and improved my presentations!
I’ve placed brief reviews of two recent tomes in this Post. They both helped me. Reading them will benefit you, also!
Jeremy Donovan is a student of TED Talks. He has studied, and restudied them and qualifies himself, in my eyes, as an Expert on TED Talks.
These presentations are considered to be at the highest level, and Jeremy’s book is cut from the same bolt of cloth.
The author says his book provides a “How-To” guide for delivering an inspiring speech based on intensive study of the most popular TED Talks. In step-by-step fashion, Jeremy tells how to select a topic, craft a narrative, master delivery, and refine design. In simple, easy to understand language, he fulfills his promise and more!
After having written several books on presentation skills, and penned over 150 blogposts on the subject, I still learned a great deal from Mr. Donovan!
I’m about to reread his book with a marker in hand. No doubt his teachings will show up in my future books, posts, and the presentations I deliver.
Speaking Up without Freaking Out
Matt Abrahams is a student of The Fear of Public Speaking. He has researched, studied, and restudied this phenomenon. In my eyes, he qualifies as an Expert on the subject. I like information from Experts!
I speak, coach, and write about Public Speaking and Presentation Skills and have published several books on the subject.
Given my credentials, I still learned many things about this fear, and ways to conquer it, I wasn’t aware of.
I now use some of Matt’s teachings in my own presentation workshops. As an example, Matt writes about differences in a speaker’s audience that can bring on anxiety. Being aware of these can help a speaker better prepare, mentally and physically, for the presentation.
Knowledge for a speaker is powerful. This includes knowing what can cause speaking anxieties to rise, and what to do before and when they occur. Matt Abrahams provides a wealth of information on the causes of the Fear of Public Speaking and strategies to deal with it.
Without hesitation I recommend Speaking Up without Freaking Out as a must read for the majority of the population who experience the Fear of Public Speaking.
Get Your Copy: Speaking Up without Freaking Out
Buy, Read, and Study these two books. Then, use the great information they provide in your next presentation. I know, it will be – NO SWEAT!
For reading, and/or listening, this far I’d like to give you Two FREE Gifts: An Elevator Speech Template and an Elevator Speech Worksheet. (Who hasn’t struggled with their Elevator Speech!)
Go to: https://nosweatpublicspeaking.com/elevator-speech-template to receive it! (You may be asked to update your profile even if it hasn’t changed. Please do!)
About the Author Fred E. Miller is a speaker, a coach, and the author of the book, “No Sweat Public Speaking!” Businesses and individuals hire him because they want to improve their Public Speaking and Presentation Skills. They do this because we perceive really great speakers to be Experts. Perception is reality, and we rather deal with Experts.
They also know: Speaking Opportunities are Business Opportunities. Speaking Opportunities are Career Opportunities. Speaking Opportunities are Leadership Opportunities.
He shows them how to: Develop, Practice, and Deliver ‘Knock Your Socks Off Presentations!’ with – NO SWEAT!
Fred E. Miller Fred@NoSweatPublicSpeaking.com nosweatpublicspeaking.com 314-517-8772
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