P Keynote’s Presenter Display View!
If slides are included in your presentations, (there are good reasons to use them!) definitely familiarize yourself with Keynote’s Presenter Display View. (Presenter Tools in PowerPoint.) The features it offers can help make you a better presenter.
You’re probably familiar with the “Mirror Displays” function that allows the presenter to see what the projector is showing the audience. This is good because the speaker doesn’t have to turn their back to the audience to check the image on the screen. The slide the speaker sees on their computer is the same the audience sees.
Presenter’s Mode is a Big Step Up from Mirror Display. It allows the speaker to see:
The Slide the Audience is Seeing.
Build markers for slides that have build-ins, build-outs, and actions.
The Next Slide. (PowerPoint’s Presenter Tools shows the next two slides.)
A ready to advance indicator so you know when your “click” will project the next view for the audience.
Notes you’ve entered for the slide the audience is seeing.
A Clock or Timer.
The timer can show time remaining or elapsed time.
The Sizes of the Slides can be adjusted, as can the amount of space given to the Note Section.
These features are HUGE for the speaker. They see the upcoming slide before the audience and can glance at notes for the slide being viewed. Cool!
A good idea, for whichever program you use, is to have as many slides as possible printed on one sheet of paper. Keynote calls this Light Table View and PowerPoint referes to it as Slide Sorter. Having that printout next to your computer, and giving the “Big Picture” let’s you easily check where you are in the presentation. It also serves as a backup plan if there’s a technical malfunction.
Keynote's Light Table View
I have a large Master Deck of slides that I pick and choose from for various presentations. This means the same subject, presented on any given day, may not be exactly the same presentation. Allotted time, customizing for the audience, new slides and information all are factors for differing presentations on the same subject. Using Presenters Mode and having all slides printed in Light Table View helps immensely with the changes in presentations. Having them also lessens the Fear of Public Speaking! (Remember to print a new page each time changes are made so you’re not looking at old material for your new presentation. The same goes for your backups on flash drives!)
For a variety of reasons, it’s best to use high quality, universally understood, images in your slides. If images are on the Light Table View, it’s much easier to look at it and speak vs. trying to decipher very small text.
You know your material, and seeing an image will trigger you to talk about that point in your presentation. You’ll talk more naturally, also, because you’re not regurgitating something you’ve memorized. Most people are visual learners. Seeing those images with the speaker making the point with their words delivered with the proper inflection and cadence will increase the odds the audience GETS IT!
The speaker, with their voice, should provide the “text.”
Bullet Points Kill – Kill the Bullet Points. Text on a screen does not reinforce the speaker’s message. It confuses, complicates and competes with what the speaker is saying.
Sometimes setting up Presenter’s View can be a little tricky, so practice getting the correct configuration before an event. Use Presenters Mode in your next presentation and it will be – No Sweat!
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About the Author Fred E. Miller is a speaker, a coach, and author of the book, “No Sweat Public Speaking!” Businesses and individuals hire him because they want to improve their Public Speaking and Presentation Skills. They do this because we perceive really great speakers to be Experts. Perception is reality and we rather deal with Experts.
They also know: Speaking Opportunities are Business Opportunities. Speaking Opportunities are Career Opportunities. Speaking Opportunities are Leadership Opportunities. He shows them how to Develop, Practice, and Deliver ‘Knock Your Socks Off Presentations!’ with – No Sweat!
Fred E. Miller Fred@NoSweatPublicSpeaking.com nosweatpublicspeaking.com Connect/Follow me: FaceBook LinkedIn Twitter 314-517-8772