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WHERE Are Those “Speaking Opportunities?”

Fred Miller

"No Sweat Public Speaking! Open-Mic

o “Speaking Opportunities are: Business, Career, and Leadership Opportunities!”

If you’re a regular visitor to my blog, have read any of my books, or heard me speak, you know that’s my mantra!

People who take and make those “Speaking Opportunities;” grow their Businesses, advance their Careers, and increase their Leadership Roles.”

No one has ever challenged that. Why would they?

One question I’m asked is, “OK, Fred, I agree with your premise. Where are those speaking opportunities and how do I get them?”

The obvious answer is: Contact the Usual Suspects:

Rotary and Lions’ Clubs, Chambers of Commerce, and other civic organizations meet regularly and usually have a guest speaker. Propose a subject in your area of expertise. It should be high in content and not a sales pitch. The idea, as it is in many Speaking Opportunities you are seeking, is to present yourself as an Expert. We like to work with Experts, plus, Experts can command higher fees for their products and services.

Perhaps the company you work for gives internal and external, seminars and workshops. Become one of the presenters! It’s an opportunity for a leadership role and possible career advancement.

Many times we speak, and don’t consider the occasion to be the “Speaking Opportunity” it definitely is! Consequently, we don’t develop and practice our “presentation.” The result is sometimes an underwhelming and unmemorable, delivery. That could be a problem because it might not give the audience, and you never know who might be in it, the impression you are the Expert/Professional you are! Opportunities that could come your way, may not.

Here is a list of “Speaking Opportunities” that should not be taken casually.

  1. Funeral / Memorial Service

  2. Formal eulogies should be developed and practiced before addressing the participants. (Sometimes, because it’s an emotional situation, they are best written, printed in larger than normal size text, and read.)

    1. I recall the service for a friend’s mother where his sister spoke. It was an outstanding presentation that gave stories and remembrances about her mother that celebrated her long life. She impressed the congregation with her words and how she delivered them. As it turns out, part of her regular job is giving presentations, and her experience showed. She was instantly perceived as the leader of the family and was the one people approached first with their own stories of her mother and messages of condolence.

    2. At many gatherings of this type, there is also an opportunity for audience members to step up and pay tribute to the deceased. Many sit in the pew, wanting to speak, but didn’t prepare anything or, because of the fear of public speaking, stay seated, and miss the “Speaking Opportunity.”

  3. Facilitating a Meeting

  4. It’s a real skill to do this. I didn’t renew my membership at a networking group lead by an individual who didn’t have an agenda and didn’t control meetings.

  5. Speaking at a Meeting. (You want to contribute, don’t you?)

  6. One of our Supreme Court Judges rarely asks questions or gives an opinion. How does that look!

  7. Employment Interviews

  8. If you’re doing the hiring or the one seeking employment.

  9. Even if it’s one-on-one it’s a Speaking Opportunity.

  10. Elevator Speech

  11. We’ve all had this happen:

  12. We’re at a chamber meeting, networking event, or seminar, and the leader says, “Before we get started, let’s go around the room and introduce ourselves. Tell us who your are and what you do. Give us your “Elevator Speech.”

  13. Many of us start sweating when we heard those words because our Elevator Speech always seems to be a “work in progress.”

  14. Media Interview

  15. Television, Radio, or Print media.

  16. Sometimes it’s done “Live” and no editing will be available.

  17. Teaching

  18. It could be your class, which is a great way to really learn something, or as a guest lecturer.

  19. Clubs, of all kinds, offer “Speaking Opportunities.”

  20. Planning Committee

  21. Leader or Member, you have an opportunity to Speak!

  22. Church/Synagogue

  23. Lead a prayer.

  24. Do a bible reading.

  25. Teach a class.

  26. Special Event

  27. There are many special events, including:

  28. Birthdays, Anniversaries, Roasts, Retirement Parties, Christenings, Dedications of New Buildings, etc.

  29. Those “Speaking Opportunities” include”

  30. Master of Ceremonies.

  31. Presenting an Award.

  32. Accepting an Award.

  33. Toasting the Guest(s) of Honor.

  34. Civic and Community Service Activities

  35. Local, Regional, and State governments and agencies have volunteer and paid positions that offer leadership and member positions that all offer “Speaking Opportunities.”

  36. The Legal System.

  37. Testifying at a Trial.

  38. Jury Duty

  39. The foreperson and members of the jury must discuss the evidence and reach a verdict.

  40. Sports

  41. Coaches have outstanding “Speaking Opportunities” to teach and motivate

This list is not at all complete!

Please email or “Comment” other “Speaking Opportunities!” and make yours – NO SWEAT!

For reading, and/or listening, this far I’d like to give you Two FREE Gifts:

An Elevator Speech Template and an Elevator Speech Worksheet.  (Who hasn’t struggled with their Elevator Speech!)

Go to: to receive it! (You may be asked to update your profile even if it hasn’t changed. Please do!)

About the Author Fred E. Miller is a speaker, a coach, and the author of the book, “No Sweat Public Speaking!” Businesses and individuals hire him because they want to improve their Public Speaking and Presentation Skills. They do this because we perceive really great speakers to be Experts. Perception is reality, and we rather deal with Experts.

They also know: Speaking Opportunities are Business Opportunities. Speaking Opportunities are Career Opportunities. Speaking Opportunities are Leadership Opportunities.

He shows them how to: Develop, Practice, and Deliver ‘Knock Your Socks Off Presentations!’ with – NO SWEAT!

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