If you ‘hand out’ Handouts as the audience is getting seated, they’ll be looking at your brochure, fact sheet, contact information, etc., while you’re giving your presentation.
This can be as bad as having the door to a noisy kitchen open or the the lights go out as you’re demonstrating something.
A speech is always best presented with no distractions.
Unless you’re presenting a workshop that requires material that be specifically followed, put your handouts aside until the end of your presentation.
Handouts can be a great marketing tool. One thing to consider having in your handout isa summary, perhaps a Mind Map, of your speech, emphasizing the highlights.
You can announce this at the beginning of your presentation and say that “Note taking won’t be necessary because there will be a handout available that will contain highlights of my presentation. It also has my website address where you can register for my newsletter.”
Another technique might be to get people’s email addresses, either by collecting business cards, having them fill out a form, or perhaps thru the registration process used for your event.
Announce that you’ll be sending a PDF of the main points of your speech to those who wish to have them.
Handouts – Hand them out at the end of your talk
About the Author Fred E. Miller is a speaker, an international coach, and the author of the books, “NO SWEAT Public Speaking!” and “NO SWEAT Elevator Speech!”
Businesses, Individuals, and Organizations hire him because they want to improve their Networking, Public Speaking, andPresentation Skills.
They do this because they know:"Speaking Opportunities are Business, Career, and Leadership Opportunities."
They also know:We perceive really great speakers to be Experts. We like to work with Experts.
He shows them how to: Develop, Practice, and Deliver Fantastic Presentations! with – NO SWEAT!
Keynote Speaker
Workshop Facilitator
Breakout Sessions
Personal and Group Public Speaking and Presentation Coaching
Crafting Your Elevator Speech, Floor by Floor with – NO SWEAT!
Speaking Opportunities are Business, Career, and Leadership Opportunities.
We are All Self-Employed!
Subscribe to my YouTube Channel, Podcast Channel, and connect with me on LinkedIn and Facebook.
If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions about this post or other posts please contact me: Fred@NoSweatPublicSpeaking.com.
Thank you for your continued support. It is greatly appreciated!