Are Worth Sharing!
I’ve been coaching a long time and always learn from those who hire me.
The following lessons from clients helped me, and will benefit you, also.
Lesson One: You are much better than you think you are.
Many, when we first talk, think their presentations are poor. They talk about their fear of public speaking, knees shaking, and voice trembling. They tell me parts of their presentation were omitted and a thing or two was added as they spoke.
When asked if anyone commented negatively on their talk, they say, “No, but I know I did a lousy job.”
Those hearing and seeing you are pulling for you and want your talk to be successful. They came to learn something and, if you do falter, feel for you. They are glad you are presenting, and not them. They admire you for merely being the presenter!
I guarantee you are way better than you think you are.
Lesson Two: Everyone has something to talk about.
Often I hear the question, “What am I going to talk about? I don’t have anything of value people would want to hear.”
We’re all too close to ourselves.
Your knowledge base is so wide and so deep, you don’t know what you know.
Your everyday could be someone’s payday.
Your everyday could be someone’s Aha! moment.
Everyone has knowledge and experiences people would love to hear and will benefit from.
Tell your story to reinforce the points you make in your presentation.
Lesson Three: Stop the negative self-talk!
Many say things to themselves like this:
“I don’t like public speaking.”
“The audience probably knows more about this topic than I do.”
“I’ll bet they regret coming to this event.”
That talk can become reality! If you think you do a poor job presenting, you will!
Lesson Four: Little things can make a BIG Difference
Meet & Greet.
This one tip will dramatically raise the quality of your talk and lower anxiety.
It is amazing how easier it is talk to an audience where you have greeted and thanked individuals.
Because most speakers don’t do this activity, you’ve given those folks a “stroke.” They’re thinking. “That was nice! I don’t remember a speaker greeting me like that. This could be good.”
Those attendees will pay attention from your opening and might become your audience heroes!
Raise your hand when asking a question if you want others to raise theirs.
Other suggestions are HERE.
Lesson Five: Practicing is not optional!
It is hard work, but, if you believe, as I do, that “Speaking Opportunities are Business, Career, and Leadership Opportunities!” it is well worth the effort.
“Do what you have to do, to do what you want to do.” Denzel Washington.
I also like Malcom Gladwell’s take on this topic: “Practice isn’t the thing you do once you’re good. It’s the thing you do that makes you good.”
HERE are great ways to practice that will lead to better presentations.
Lesson Six: Take TOTAL Responsibility for your Presentation.
No one wants to hear, “The audio visual guy didn’t show up.”
Arrive early and check that everything needed for your presentation is working. If not, you take care of it!
If you point a finger at someone, there are three pointing back at you.
Have your presentation backed up and in several formats on a flash drive.
Bring a paper copy of your presentation and Introduction to the event.
Be certain to have cable adapters, speaker wires, your own remote, extra batteries and everything else to “make it happen!”
Understand these lessons, practice them, and I guarantee your presentations will be – NO SWEAT!
About the Author Fred E. Miller is a speaker, an international coach, and the author of the books, “NO SWEAT Public Speaking!” and “NO SWEAT Elevator Speech!”
Businesses, Individuals, and Organizations hire him because they want to improve their Networking, Public Speaking, and Presentation Skills.
They do this because they know: Speaking Opportunities are Business, Career, and Leadership Opportunities.
They also know:
We perceive really great speakers to be Experts, and we like to work with Experts.
He shows them how to: Develop, Practice, and Deliver ‘Knock Your Socks Off Presentations!’ with – NO SWEAT!
Keynote Speaker
Workshop Facilitator
Breakout Sessions
Personal and Group Public Speaking and Presentation Coaching
Lessening The Fear of Public Speaking with – NO SWEAT!
Crafting Your Elevator Speech, Floor by Floor with – NO SWEAT!
Speaking Opportunities are Business, Career, and Leadership Opportunities.
We are All Self-Employed!
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