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The 3Es of Presenting Help The Audience GET IT! #2 E – Entertain

Fred Miller

Help the Audience GET IT Educate – Entertain – Explain

The 3 Es of  Presenting will help ensure your audience understands your message; i.e. Gets It!

They may not agree with everything.  They may not agree with anything.

Unless they Get It!, there can’t be a meaningful discussion going forward.

Entertain is the second E.

As the presenter, I want to Entertain the Audience.

We like to be entertained.  If the audience is entertained, I have their attention.

If I have their attention, the odds they’ll undersand and Get It! are increased.I’ll entertain them with the Word Pictures I paint within my presentation.

I’ll entertain them with Humor that is appropriate to my message.

I’ll entertain them with Images on my slides that get their attention and reinforce the words I am speaking.

Example: When I speak of the ‘Fear of Public Speaking’ and how to lessen it, I show a number of images and explain each one.

One is of a single candle burning.  The method described is Meditation.  If we meditate and picture ourselves delivering a presentation without nervousness and with the audience applauding for us, we’ll have a better outcome when we do the ‘real thing’.  The next slide shows several prescription pill containers.  My segue to that slide is: “And if Meditation doesn’t work, you might try Medication!”  I then go on to talk about Beta Blockers, prescription drugs that can ease nervousness.

The slides and words get a good laugh.  The audience has been entertained and they Get It!

Use the 3Es of Presenting!

Do that, and my prediction is this. Your presentation will be: absolutely, positively – There’s no doubt in my mind – No ifs, ands, or buts about it. Your presentation will be – ‘No Sweat!’

About the Author: Fred E. Miller coaches, speaks and writes about Public Speaking and Presentation Skills. 314-517-8772

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