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The Fear of Public Speaking is an. . .

Updated: Apr 7

Fear of Public Speaking

Equal Opportunity Fear!

It doesn’t care about your age, education, or occupation.

Young or not, highly educated or not, white collar or not – The Fear of Public Speaking affects up to 75% of the population.

There is even a word for it – Glossophobia. It comes from the Greek language: Glosso – tongue, Phobia – Fear. The important thing to note is it’s a word, not a disease, and it can be lessened.

It is a fear worth confronting! Losing it completely is not as desirable as taking that fear and putting that energy into your presentation. A presentation without energy is b-o-r-i-n-g! Have you ever been in an audience where a boring presentation is delivered? Yech!

I have coached doctors, lawyers, athletes, entrepreneurs, young people, older folks, and many others. It holds many back from reaching their potential. Tackling this fear is a worthy goal. Here’s why: The research shows:

Speaking Opportunities are Business, Career, and Leadership Opportunities!”

People who speak, and speak well, are seen as leaders and experts. They are presented with opportunities others would love to have.

WHY do we have the Fear of Public Speaking?

My short answer is, “Why not!”

Think about it. Most of our conversations are one-on-one. Many of them are done on the phone, where people don’t see each other. More and more, communication is via email or text where those interacting don’t see or hear each other. It stands to reason when someone stands in front of many sets of eyeballs to speak, they are uncomfortable because they are out of their comfort zone.

The Fear of Public Speaking goes hand-in-glove with the Fear of Failure.

That’s too bad because Failing is a Good Thing! 

Think about this: If you get it right the first time, you probably don’t give it a second thought.

One Formula for Success is: Fail Early – Fail Often – Sometimes, Fail Big!

The Fear of Public Speaking

Failing in many activities is private, only you know. Examples are crossword puzzles, tracking your own fitness program, and working on software tutorials. The Fear of Public Speaking differs in one major way from many Fears of Failing because it is – PUBLIC!  EVERYONE Knows!

There are definite reasons to have a Fear of Public Speaking.

  1. You don’t know what you’re talking about.

  2. Never get in front of an audience and give a presentation unless you have a high degree of knowledge on that topic.

  3. You don’t know the structure of a presentation.

  4. You’ve been in audiences where the speaker rambled, repeated themselves, and whose message was hard to follow, correct? Don’t do that!

  5. The structure of a presentation is akin to a recipe for a great pie.

  6. Specific items, in specific amounts, are added at specific times, and specific activities completed. The result is a – Great Presentation! You can learn this!

  7. You haven’t practiced.

  8. Practicing is not optional!

  9. Athletes are always working out.

  10. Bands that have been together for twenty or more years rehearse before a concert.

  11. Why would anyone think they can deliver a presentation by ‘winging it?’

Face the Fear and do it anyway!

The benefits gained from lessening the Fear of Public Speaking far outweigh the effort.


Pausing is a key component of presenting.

About the Author

Fred E. Miller is a speaker, an international coach, and the author of the books, “NO SWEAT Public Speaking!” and “NO SWEAT Elevator Speech!”

Businesses, Individuals, and Organizations hire him because they want to improve their Networking, Public Speaking, andPresentation Skills.

They do this because they know:"Speaking Opportunities are Business, Career, and Leadership Opportunities."

They also know:We perceive really great speakers to be Experts. We like to work with Experts.

He shows them how to: Develop, Practice, and Deliver Fantastic Presentations! with – NO SWEAT!


  1. Keynote Speaker

  2. Workshop Facilitator

  3. Breakout Sessions

  4. Personal and Group Public Speaking and Presentation Coaching

  1. Lessening The Fear of Public Speaking with – NO SWEAT!

  2. Crafting Your Elevator Speech, Floor by Floor with – NO SWEAT!

  3. Speaking Opportunities are Business, Career, and Leadership Opportunities.

  4. We are All Self-Employed!

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Thank  you for your continued support. It is greatly appreciated!


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