Fred Miller, “NO SWEAT Public Speaking!”
Do you want to improve your public speaking? Well, now’s the time to observe the good and the bad.
Watch those debates! Watch the interviews with the candidates!
Oh my gosh! The reason Trump is “trumping” everyone – the guy is natural, He is not scripted. He is just saying it the way it is.
People feel they could sit down with the guy, and have a beer. He’s one of them.
Some of the people, I’m not going to mention any names – Jeb Bush, is – sometimes – reading – his speech. Oh my gosh! You don’t get a whole lot of credibility that way.
And other people are so afraid about what to say. What Trump says is right. People are too, they want to be politically correct.
Now, he has been off-the-wall. But, that’s what people love about him! He’s unscripted.
He’s unscripted. He talks like this, doesn’t he?
And if you look at the guy’s persona: his body language, his facial expressions, his gestures. He has no fear! That’s what people love.
Now, I’m not going to get into his ideas. They may not be the best. But, he certainly has created a lot of buzz. And I’ll betcha the other speakers are going to pick up their game when it comes to debating, giving interviews, answering questions.
Watch the debates and learn!
This stuff works! I gotta tell ya.
Fred Miller, NO SWEAT – Public Speaking!
About the Author Fred E. Miller is a speaker, a coach, and the author of the book, “No Sweat Public Speaking!”
Businesses, Individuals, and Organizations hire him because they want to improve their Networking, Public Speaking, and Presentation Skills.
They do this because they know:
Speaking Opportunities are Business, Career, and Leadership Opportunities.
They also know:
We perceive really great speakers to be Experts.
Perception is reality, and we like to work with Experts.
He shows them how to: Develop, Practice, and Deliver ‘Knock Your Socks Off Presentations!’ with – NO SWEAT!
Keynote Speaker
Workshop Facilitator
Breakout Sessions
Public Speaking and Presentation Coaching Topics:
Lessening The Fear of Public Speaking with – NO SWEAT!
Crafting Your Elevator Speech, Floor by Floor with – NO SWEAT!
Speaking Opportunities are Business, Career, and Leadership Opportunities.
We are All Self-Employed!
Fred E. Miller 314-517-8772Connect/Follow me: FaceBook LinkedIn Twitter YouTube
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