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Your EXPERT Stool: The First Leg is. . .

Fred Miller

Updated: Apr 27, 2024


Everyone should build a strong EXPERT Stool.

The goal is to be able, when appropriate, to tell prospects, and folks who want to know more about you – GOOGLE Me!

That two word phrase, when spoken with a little “Attitude,” a little good “Attitude,” says, “There’s great stuff out there about me. Don’t take my word for it. Check me out!”

Before asking someone to, “GOOGLE Me!“ You’ve got to have Googleable “Stuff.”  Building a three-legged EXPERT Stool will do that!

The Three Legs are:

  1. Speaking

  2. Writing

  3. Internet / Technology

This post will address the First Leg, SPEAKING!

If you’re a regular reader, listened to one of my audio recordings, or seen me speak, you know my mantra is:

Speaking Opportunities are Business, Career, and Leadership Opportunities!”

No one has ever challenge that statement, and I’m certain you agree.

“We perceive really good Speakers as EXPERTS. We like to work with EXPERTS!”

Important for Speakers:

  1. Know your subject.

  2. Your presentation should be a good one, a very good one! If you don’t have excellent presentation skills, you can learn them.

Let’s start the discussion by talking about Speaking OFF-LINE.

There are many groups, associations, and companies that regularly have Guest Speakers. Some are:

  1. Chambers of Commerce

  2. MeetUp Groups

  3. Professional and Trade Associations

  4. Rotary Clubs

  5. Lions Clubs

  6. Companies that regularly have “Lunch & Learns” with Guest Speakers.

Other places to “Speak” are:

  1. Radio Stations

  2. Traditional and Internet only

  3. Television

  4. Traditional and Internet only

If you’ve written a Book:

  1. Book Stores

  2. Libraries

  3. Specialty stores that sell products relating to your book subject.

You can find most these on line. The majority don’t pay a speaking fee, but will offer you a meal and a table to sell your books. You have one, or are working on a book, aren’t you? 

If asked what you charge, and your research tells you they don’t pay, tell them you’ll “waive your regular fee for them.”

Don’t forget to let all in your network know you are looking for Speaking Opportunities! Referrals from others who speak to those audiences makes the event planner’s job easier. Be sure to refer, also, when you speak!

Call, email, and followup to get those Speaking Opportunities. Booking them is a process, not an event, so be patient and persistent.

Your talk should not be a commercial for you, your product, or your services. It should be valuable information that many in the audience can use. If all you do is sell you’ll lose future opportunities because word will spread about your non-audience focused talks.

When a Speaking Opportunity is booked, it’s time to start building that Leg of Your EXPERT Stool!

Be certain it is being Promoted via the Internet:

  1. On Websites

  2. Your website.

  3. Mine has a calendar Tab, “Speaking Events” where the sponsor, venue, time, and topic are described.

  4. The sponsor’s website.

  5. The venue’s website.

  6.’s Author’s Central.

  7. This fabulous freebie from is offered to all authors. They allow them to list Speaking Events on a personal Author’s Site. Here is mine:

  8. Additionally, authors can upload pictures, videos, and link to their blog and other sites. This is all FREE!

  9. Social Media

  10. Put all pertinent information on your LinkedIn and FaceBook Business Pages.

  11. Tweet it, also.

  12. Ask the venue and sponsor to do the same.

  13. Email Marketing

  14. Email information about the event to your targeted contact list and have links that will take them to your, the sponsor’s, and venue’s sites.

  15. YouTube

  16. Your YouTube Channel is an excellent place to promote your Speaking Opportunities.

  17. Links to that great video can be put on all the above mentioned sites and in your email promotional piece.

ON-LINE Speaking Opportunities

  1. YouTube

  2. On Your YouTube Channel regularly post short, informational videos where, when viewed, visitors and subscribers say, “I GET IT!”

  3. There are sites like SlideShare where your videos can be embedded in a PowerPoint Presentation.

  4. Audio Post

  5. Many people are auditory learners. Having the audio of each post available will help more people GET your message.

  6. An added benefit is: “Written Post + Audio Post = Better Writing and Speaking.”

  7. Put the Audio of each of your blog posts at the top of the article.

  8. Have it link to your iTunes Podcast Channel.

  9. Internet Radio

  10. There are many options.

  11. Be a guest on a show or host your own!

After Your Speaking Opportunities

  1. Social Media

  2. Talk about the great audience you had the privilege to speak to!

  3. Blog about it!

  4. Then put links into your FaceBook Business Page and LinkedIn Page.

The next article will address the Second Leg – WRITING!

Building Your EXPERT Stool is a Process – not an Event. Once it’s built, all the legs must be continually strengthened. That’s OK because, “The Learning is in the Doing!” and your subject knowledge and credibility as an EXPERT will grow exponentially, especially when you have enough “Stuff” so you can say, to the person who wants to know more – GOOGLE Me!

For reading, and/or listening, this far I’d like to give you:

An Elevator Speech Template and an Elevator Speech Worksheet.  Who hasn’t struggled with their Elevator Speech!


Pausing is a key component of presenting.

About the Author Fred E. Miller is a speaker, an international coach, and the author of the books, “NO SWEAT Public Speaking!” and “NO SWEAT Elevator Speech!”

Businesses, Individuals, and Organizations hire him because they want to improve their Networking, Public Speaking, andPresentation Skills.

They do this because they know:"Speaking Opportunities are Business, Career, and Leadership Opportunities."

They also know:We perceive really great speakers to be Experts. We like to work with Experts.

He shows them how to: Develop, Practice, and Deliver Fantastic Presentations! with – NO SWEAT!


  1. Keynote Speaker

  2. Workshop Facilitator

  3. Breakout Sessions

  4. Personal and Group Public Speaking and Presentation Coaching

  1. Lessening The Fear of Public Speaking with – NO SWEAT!

  2. Crafting Your Elevator Speech, Floor by Floor with – NO SWEAT!

  3. Speaking Opportunities are Business, Career, and Leadership Opportunities.

  4. We are All Self-Employed!

Subscribe to my YouTube ChannelPodcast Channel, and connect with me on LinkedIn and Facebook.

If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions about this post or other posts please contact me:

Thank  you for your continued support. It is greatly appreciated!

1 comentario

Robert Black
Robert Black
28 abr 2024

Excellent incluse page. might consider a 4th or 5th leg to add Training Teaching Faciliating

Me gusta
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