Add Enormous Value to your Presentations.
The Introduction is an integral part of your speech, not your Bio, and your responsibility to write!
Your audience doesn’t care where you went to school, how many dogs you have, and the fact you like to hike at national parks.
Unless that information is relevant to your talk, do not include it in your Introduction. Think of it as Clutter. Clutter, in all forms, detracts from your presentation.
Regrettably, many times, those irrelevant facts are included. It’s often because the master of ceremonies, or the person in charge of the event, obtained your bio from your website, LinkedIn page, or other social media site and printed it for the emcee to read.
The introduction sets the stage for your opening and your speech.
It is the equivalent of the king’s trumpeters blowing their horns announcing his highness will soon be arriving. Your audience should be pumped and excited you will soon be taking the stage. Your Opening will start to legitimize their expectations.
Your audience is investing:
A precious commodity that can’t be recovered when it’s gone.
Their own, or someone else’s.
Opportunity Cost
They could be doing something else rather than attending the event.
Often, they were not involved in choosing you as the presenter. Many times it wasn’t their decision to attend your talk. Perhaps their boss or someone else made that call.
Your Introduction should answer three questions.
Why this Subject?
The topic should have value for attendees.
Why this Speaker?
What gives you the right to speak on this topic?
What are your credentials?
This may include education, work experience, life experience, awards, and other accomplishments that give you the authority to speak on this subject.
Why Now?
This should finalize in your audience’s mind why they will benefit from your message now.
Also of importance for your introduction:
Be sure the person introducing has a copy long before the event.
It should be in LARGE TYPE with any specifics to delivering it clearly noted. (Like P-a-u-s-e)
Review, and even coach the master of ceremonies prior to his presenting you.
This is a “Speaking Opportunity” for them, and “Speaking Opportunities are Business, Career, and Leadership Opportunities!”
Bring another copy or two to the event.
It may have been misplaced or another person assigned to this task.
The After-Duction is important, but usually Missing.
I’ll bet you’ve experienced this: The emcee takes the microphone immediately after a speaker finishes their talk and says, in an underwhelming manner, “Thanks for coming. Drive home safely.”
WOW! That’s memorable isn’t it? NOT!
Ending a program like that is unfortunate. Unfortunately, this anti-climatic way to draw to a close, a great message from a speaker, is often the norm. It’s done like this because no one, especially the emcee, thought about a better way to end the event.
Good News – There is! The After-Duction is the professional thing an emcee should do, but they usually need help from the speaker. It should be given to them and reviewed with the host before presenting.
Just as the presenter should write their Introduction, they should also compose the After-Duction, the words the emcee should speak after the speaker closes their presentation. It should be written as if the host wrote it and delivered in the same manner.
The After-Duction serves several purposes:
It thanks the speaker for attending the meeting and their presentation.
Reinforces something of value from their message.
Helps, where appropriate, the speaker sell additional products and services.
This is important because a presenter often reduces their speaking fee with the anticipation of selling their wares.
The verbiage, where relevant and appropriate, could be:
Thank you, (Speaker), for a great presentation and message!
One of my takeaways is ________.
I’ve asked (Speaker) to stick around for awhile after we adjourn.
He’ll answer any questions you still have.
Don’t forget to give him your business card for his Free ________.
I suggest checking out the books and CDs he has made available.
If you ask nicely, I’ll bet he’ll be glad to autograph them for you!
You might even want to get a picture of yourself with ________.
Now would be a great time to sign up for his upcoming ________.
All the above statements are better coming from the emcee vs. the speaker.
The audience isn’t always keen about a presenter hawking their products and services from the stage. Having the host do it is akin to an endorsement!
(Of course, you better have great ‘stuff’ and have delivered an excellent presentation with solid information of value to the attendees. Permission should be sought in advance for having a display of products available for sale to attendees. Don’t consider it a ‘given.’)
Being the Master of Ceremonies for an event is a Speaking and Leadership Opportunity. Too often, those in this position aren’t as adept with the role as they would like to be, or think they are! Writing your Introduction and After-Duction will help and benefit them.
Just as a great Introduction puts the spotlight on the emcee and makes them look good, the same will happen when they deliver an excellent and relevant After-Duction.
These won’t be the final words from the emcee. They will be thanking the host, helpers, sponsors, etc. and announcements relevant to the organization. The After-Duction will reinforce the value the presenter brought to the event and, in turn, raise to the forefront the responsible individuals and sponsoring organization. All good outcomes for an event!
Great Intro and After-Ductions can add enormous value to your presentations!
Incorporate them in your presentations and they will be absolutely, positively – NO SWEAT!

About the Author Fred E. Miller is a speaker, an international coach, and the author of the books,“NO SWEAT Public Speaking!” and“NO SWEAT Elevator Speech!”
Businesses, Individuals, and Organizations hire him because they want to improve their Networking, Public Speaking, andPresentation Skills.
They do this because they know:"Speaking Opportunities are Business, Career, and Leadership Opportunities."
They also know:We perceive really great speakers to be Experts. We like to work with Experts.
He shows them how to: Develop, Practice, and Deliver Fantastic Presentations! with – NO SWEAT!
Keynote Speaker
Workshop Facilitator
Breakout Sessions
Personal and Group Public Speaking and Presentation Coaching
Crafting Your Elevator Speech, Floor by Floor with – NO SWEAT!
Speaking Opportunities are Business, Career, and Leadership Opportunities.
We are All Self-Employed!
Subscribe to my YouTube Channel, Podcast Channel, and connect with me on LinkedIn and Facebook.
If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions about this post or other posts please contact me: Fred@NoSweatPublicSpeaking.com.
Thank you for your continued support. It is greatly appreciated!
AFTER-DUCTIONS During my first 5 to 10 years I was hired to do "keynote" or "opening" sessions at a mix of conference, conventions, institutes or special annual company meetings that lasted 30 to 60 minutes in Georgia and sometimes around the USA. I don't remember having a quality AFTER-DUCTION
mostly. "thank yous" that the emcee or meeting planner "WINGED IT"