The Introduction is an integral part of a presentation.
Its importance needs to be appreciated because it sets the stage for everything that follows – Your Presentation!
The Introduction is Not Your Bio!
If You are the Speaker, it is your responsibility to write it – Period!
It is too critical to give to anyone else to do because who knows more about your background, accomplishments, and credentials than you?
The Introduction should answer Three Specific and Important Questions: 1. Why this Subject? 2. Why this Speaker? 3. Why Now?
CLICK to see Fred Miller’s Introduction!
To the left is one of my Introductions. CLICK to see how I’ve followed the guidelines for a great Introduction.
I answered the Three Whys? and added some humor in the second half, which works very well:
The audience knows I don’t take myself very seriously, and they might enjoy this speaker.
The laughter puts me at ease.
It makes a hero of the Master of Ceremonies!
Your Introduction sets the stage for you and your Opening. It should be like the emperor’s trumpeters announcing to all in attendance, “The king is on his way!”
All the information in the Introduction should be relevant to you and the subject you will be speaking about.
Too frequently, the Introduction mentions the presenter’s school, hobbies, pet guinea pig, favorite dessert, and other information completely irrelevant to the upcoming presentation. Often, it goes on and on with interesting, but unrelated facts about the person who is about to take center stage.
Clean & Simple is the rule for Introductions as well as all other components of a presentation.
When the emcee finishes your Introduction, the people seated should be on the edge of their seats, eagerly awaiting you and your presentation.
To help build suspense, Your Name should be the last words the emcee speaks, and the first time the audience hears it! “Please help me welcome – You!”
They should then lead the applause as you approach the lectern, shake your hand, and turn the program over to you.
Tell the person who will be introducing you that you will write it for them to deliver. They will be happy and relieved, to hear that!
Explain the Introduction is not a perfunctory duty, but an important part of your presentation.
When you send, email, or give to them, include specific instructions about how it should be delivered. (Delivery trumps Content in an Introduction, also!)
Highlight and color code words and phrases you want emphasized.
Indicate where they should pause.
If necessary, let them practice the delivery with you.
Always bring several extra copies with you to the event. The emcee may forget to bring the original or might have been replaced by another person.
Follow these suggestions for crafting your Introduction for the Master of Ceremonies to deliver, and this Component of your presentation will be – No Sweat!
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About the Author Fred E. Miller is a speaker, a coach, and author of the book, “No Sweat Public Speaking!” Businesses and individuals hire him because they want to improve their Public Speaking and Presentation Skills. They do this because we perceive really great speakers to be Experts. Perception is reality and we rather deal with Experts.
They also know: Speaking Opportunities are Business Opportunities. Speaking Opportunities are Career Opportunities. Speaking Opportunities are Leadership Opportunities. He shows them how to Develop, Practice, and Deliver ‘Knock Your Socks Off Presentations!’ with – No Sweat!
Fred E. Miller Connect/Follow me: FaceBook LinkedIn Twitter 314-517-8772
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