Your Audience Wants to Know: WHY. . .
YOU? People attending speaking events are “Investing:” Time. Money. Opportunity cost. They could be doing a number of different things...
Your Audience Wants to Know: WHY. . .
If You Don’t Like the Phrase, “HIRE ME,” . . .
You Don’t Have a Personal Story?<br> <i>Really?</i>
Diane Hamilton Interviews Fred Miller
“Speaking Opportunity!” What Will You. . .
A MULTI-TASKING Audience is . . .
“GOOGLE Me!” Says . . .
CBS / KMOX Interview with Fred Miller
When in the Audience, PLEASE . . .
I’m Reposting SLIDE BASICS Because . . .
WHY Your Opening and Closing are . . .
Doug Sandler, NICE GUYS Podcast, Interviews . . .
A TWITTER Type Elevator Speech is . . .
Handling Questions: Dos and . . .
YOU Don’t Do Public Speaking.
“Tell Your Audience Stories!”
LESS is MORE for . . .
Your Questions . . . My
Lessons from Coaching Clients. . .